Jonathan  C.

I don't mind the $$$...a random $5 charge a month would really annoy my wife! And I don't care for those types of arrangements if they can be avoided. I would rather float you a  Franklin and say "catch you next year"...well, maybe $50! (Really digging on "Slow"....just don't change your guitar strings slow. You may get a nickname and "Slowhand" is taken! JC

Jonathan  C.

Great lesson...the student almost allowed the teacher to teach. I was trying to figure out the INTRO to "Rock and Roll Ain't Noise Pollution...that is why I was having trouble following. I may have the attention span of a gnat, but even gnats have value

Jonathan  C.

Would I benefit from joining MOJO? Just getting my feet wet here. JC

Shane T.

I post mini lessons every week or so, some other exclusive content,  and you would get a discount on future private lessons.

Jonathan  C.

Going to the gym (also for the first time in a while!) I took lessons for a "minute" in the 90's. Looking forward to seeing what we can get done. JC

Jonathan  C.

Trent Reznor....Disney? Man, the world is your oyster! hehehe

Jonathan  C.

Is he in AA or a Scientologist? (I think that was a Chick Corea joke...)