Sugar Land, TX

Sugar Land, TX

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Vina Robles

Vina Robles

Paso Robles, CA       Video lifted from Lynn J....
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Hollywood Bowl

Hollywood Bowl

Shane Theriot      Charlie DeChant...
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I've found myself, due to the dreaded Cov, doing a lot more writing and recording and this tune popped out a few weeks back. This one was written for my RS Guitarworks Tele called Larry. I know.. who writes a tune for a...
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Bionic Toast

Bionic Toast

A very good friend of mine asked me to set up ready for sale this amazing 1981 limited edition Tele with 18kt gold hardware. So I sat down and wrote this little tune this morning to noodle over. Totally over playing and way...
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When I nod my head...

When I nod my head...

My buddy Jim recently lost his fight with cancer and I was looking thru old band video/pics when I found this. More than a couple of tears shed while watching, but he was a solid bass player, a fantastic human and fought with...
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The Glory of the evening light

The Glory of the evening light

Here's this weekends tune. I was listening to the radio last week on the way into work and the person being interviewed said they always love "the glory of the evening sun.".. This really struck a note with me and this...
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You'll remember me

You'll remember me

Written about my daughters passing, and her amazing husband.  This is a poor recording,  I've have had very little to work with in recording programs and musicians. Please be kind...thank you...
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Standing in the rain

Standing in the rain

Haven't we all felt like we were on the outside of love, wanting in... ...
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Scream on drugs

Scream on drugs

IF meth wrote a song, it would be arrogant,  I hope to of captured an essence of being METH...I wanna thank you for everything,  cause that's what I'm gonna take.... A poor man's program, I have a few songs on youtube....
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Your wings

Your wings

When my daughter passed away, I found pictures on her phone. Instead of losing my mind and doing drugs or drinking.  I wrote songs, made videos on what I could afford and let it go......
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