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Laura L.

Was thrilled to see Charlie Starr of Blackberry Smoke featured, they are keeping Southern rock alive. Y’all did Atlanta proud! 

Shane T.

thanks yes we weren't that familiar with the band but I'm actually a big Skynyrd fan so it was fun. Charlie is a nice guy we had a good time!

Betty L.

You always look like you're having a great time. I love the entire band, such a great group of musicians. So happy to see the show back, thanks Daryl and the band.

Shane T.

thanks Betty ! we try haha

Hetti W.

I’m so happy to know this forward plan … maybe Boz Scaggs will be one of the performers? Just another great artist that you’ve worked well with. Hope it’s soon!

Robert P.

Nice to hear, Definitely looking forward to seeing the no LFDH episodes.

This is great news guys. Can’t wait !